Thursday, February 03, 2005

Images of hope 1

For about as long as I've been blogging Art Chrenkoff has been posting his Good News series. I don't really see anyone else doing anything like that. I've done a couple of posts here and there about good things coming out of Afghanistan or Iraq, but haven't really had any consistency with it. Idon't really want to duplicate Art's efforts either. So what could I do?

From now until eternity I'll be trying to post an Image of hope a day from somewhere around the globe. I've found the database and I sould be pretty well stocked from there. So without further ado here's the first one:

by Sgt. 1st Class Johancharles Van Boers

December 21, 2004

A Soldier from Camp Victory delivers school supplies, books, toys and candy to Iraqi children who attend Shatt Al Arab Elementary School near Baghdad. The children also received medical examinations. This photo appeared on

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