Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Cyber Insecurity

So normally I wait a while to post on topics. Okay, I wait a long while before I post on anything. Well, today folks, today I go all knee-jerk-reactionary on you. I just read something that scared the living shit out of me. (Not literally, the living shit, because then I'd be in the bathroom cleaning up.) There is a new cyber bill that will be presented in the coming days to centralize both governmental and private sector cyber security.


Now on the surface it's not too horrible. The government centralizes their cyber security, which is actually a good idea. Everybody collaborating across services, sharing ideas and generally avoiding the standard Rice-bowling. I like that. It is good for America.

Now the flip side of this is the government monkeying their way into the private sector and "nationalizing" it. Nationalizing? What? Huh? That's good right? Oh, lord, it is not. Letting the government control what you see and how you see it is not a good idea. No, they don't say it now, but that could be one of the things the bill does. It could also be designed to invade your privacy to protect you from yourself. "Hey, we're going to forcibly scan your home computer to ensure you're not using dangerous stuff, or kiddie porn, or pirated software, or research on how to make pipe bombs, or bad words that defame the president. Don't worry. It's change."

Now you may think that I'm going a little overboard with what they really had in mind. "Oh warmonger! You're warmongering again you little tin-foil hat wearing nut-job!" Well, I'd think the same thing, if I didn't know what organization they were suggesting to spearhead this little project:

Last week, Director of National Intelligence Dennis C. Blair told reporters that one agency should oversee cybersecurity for government and for the private sector. He added that the NSA should be central to the effort.

"The taxpayers of this country have spent enormous sums developing a world-class capability at the National Security Agency on cyber," he said.

Yep, that's right, No Such Agency, Spies like us. The primary purpose for this group is and has always been spying. I do not get warm and fuzzies when the group they plan on heading the private sector control wing to be America's spy wing. Don't worry, it's nothing serious. It's just the fourth amendment they wiped their ass with.


Patty-Jo said...

I read the Post article, and yes, it is scary. There is obviously a lot about it that I don't understand, but isn't there a way to do the "protection" part without interfering with my right to research how to make a pipe bomb, or start my own meth lab, or raise prize chickens. Just because I research those things doesn't ment I'm ever going to do any of them! I just like to know things.

American Warmonger said...

There's no real way they would separate them. The only separation they'd do it to block them into different categories:

Teacher bob google searched: kintergarten lover. He goes in the kiddie porn folder.

Burt the bomber google searched: manure bomb. He goes in the politicians folder.

Kinda like that, but I doubt they'd be ignoring much. This is the spy agency.

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Acai Max Cleanse said...

I stumbled across some emails that indicate my husband joined a "People Search" website and the only name saved there is a girlfriend that he was very serious about 25 years ago. My insecurities are on overload but I don't want to start a huge argument about it. Cyber cheating was an issue once before and it stopped immediately. That was with two strangers online--this is someone who shares a past with my husband.

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I stumbled across some emails that indicate my husband joined a "People Search" website and the only name saved there is a girlfriend that he was very serious about 25 years ago.
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I stumbled across some emails that indicate my husband joined a "People Search" website and the only name saved there is a girlfriend that he was very serious about 25 years ago.

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I have my own online business and I am being harassed by an online competitor who wants to bring my business down because of their insecurities or lack of success.
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African Mango Extract said...

I read the Post article, and yes, it is scary. There is obviously a lot about it that I don't understand, but isn't there a way to do the "protection" part without interfering with my right to research how to make a pipe bomb, or start my own meth lab, or raise prize chickens. Just because I research those things doesn't ment I'm ever going to do any of them! I just like to know things.

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Pandora's box was opened and the explosion of information, both personal and does not appear to be personal and unlimited increases exponentially. And according to the National Opinion Research taken in January 2007 half the UK ports a "deep mistrust" due to security concerns. Not only is there a deep distrust of the public, but the House of Lords on Science and Technology are investigating the need for personal security of the Internet because of the increasing use of home computers, the expansion of broadband, Internet banking and commerce ( Brent MacLean "A new look on the Internet Security" Monday, September 10, 2007).

Each one is talking extensively (ISP Associations, Richard Clayton of Cambridge Security Lab, John Carr of the Children's Charities Coalition on Internet security as well as Jonathan Zittrain of the Oxford Internet Institute and many others), gathering information and evidence to compile it all for what? Unfortunately, most businesses and citizens do not take the threat posed by cyber-insecurity seriously.

You would think with the dependence of the economies that depend on certain infrastructure that involves the exchange of information between the Internet and providers of essential services, a disturbance that will surely result in loss of life, loss of property, and the collapse of public confidence globablly. Today domestic piracy simply is not the issue that will bring the devastating destruction as those created for terrorist activities aimed at nuclear plants, banking systems, hospitals, air traffic control, as well as servers for domain names, the possibilities are limitless. However, it is imperative to eliminate these personal computers and the public arsenal of cyber terrorists, as well as cibercriminales. With 225 million Internet users in North America (-Nielson NetRatings), dominates the personal computer and the Internet, while the most vulnerable. Millions of PCs are under the control of the "masters" of zombies. Red Herring, the magazine business technique, estimated in 2005 to 172,000 computers have been hijacked and taken over every day and has become "zombies" and under the control of a hacker. In 2007, Secure Computing, which tracks the Internet landscape, identified more than 500,000 new zombies per day who were kidnapped and under the control of "bot" shepherds. Triple the level of just two years earlier. The FBI says that because of their wideley distributed capabilities, botnets are a growing threat to national security, the national information infrastructure and economy.
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Unknown said...

So do you believe that our fourth amendment rights are actually being violated? You do know that only metadata is collected right? Anyways, really nice post, I enjoyed reading it.

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I read the Post article, thanks for sharing information.