No, I'm not talking about the document. I'm talking about what I am doing. As of today I am declaring myself and independent American. For too long I have allowed myself to be swayed and guided by partisan politics. There are too few truly good ideas in either major party to be of any significance. The concept of "for or against" a candidate due to his or her political affiliation of comical at best and communist at worst. I refuse to continue supporting someone based on which national politics machine is backing them. Partisan politics and, by it's nature, bi-partisan politics is destroying America and allowing criminals to run the country into the ground.
America, we can not stand for this. We must rise up. We must free ourselves from blindly following politicians. We must cease our endless see-saw bickering. We must be thoughtful in how we run our country, not partisan. In order to regain our footing we must work together to solve problems, not create more for "the other guy" to stay ahead. We must free ourselves from the shackles of tyranny once again.
I am no longer a Republican. I am an independent thinker with all of America as my party. This is my declaration of independence. Long live freedom.
3 years ago